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fall in love with Your Recovery Path through

community, conscious embodiment, Self-Reflection and Service

I spent much of my early life feeling empty, convinced there wasn’t much to love, desperately trying to fill the hole inside that seemed to grow larger and larger the more I tried to feed it. I couldn't stand being in my own skin. I tried to be who I thought you wanted me to be. Maybe if I could be her, then I could be lovable. My shame fed my addiction. Self-loathing and anxiety were my baseline modes of operation.

When I finally entered into recovery all I had left was a shell of myself and the shattered remnants of the life I had torn apart in my addiction. It was a devastating and terrifying place. I had hit bottom, and there was nowhere else to go. Nothing left to do but turn around and face everything I had been so desperately running from. Little did I know that the wreckage I was ashamed to stand in would soon become the foundation upon which I would begin to build a life more fulfilling than I could dream. 

I LOVE being sober now. It truly feels like a superpower. To be able to be a CLEAR channel because I’m not poisoning myself daily; to feel energized, alive, and able to show up to Life fully, courageously, vulnerably; to know without doubt that I am strong enough to handle ANYTHING that life throws at me without needing to revert to addictive behaviors, is nothing short of a miracle for me. And if it’s possible for me, then it is absolutely possible for you too! My vision is that every human in recovery will come to know and fully inhabit your body as a safe and sacred space so you can recover your sense of Self-trust, your authenticity, your intuition, and your vibrancy. My mission is to offer you practices and support that help you fall in love with your recovery and empower you to trust that you are ultimately your own best healer. When one of us bravely commits to our healing there is a massive ripple effect. We bring healing to our entire lineage past, present and future, and inspires healing in our community as well.

In Gratitude and Solidarity,

Halie Devlin


Are you seeking a recovery community in which you can feel seen, understood, supported, and loved for exactly who and how you are in this very moment?



work with me 1:1

My passion is offering a depthful and robust coaching experience for the deep feelers, healers, creatives, and leaders to help you recover by healing your nervous system, learning to embody your highest values & boldest vision, and bring your much needed gifts into this world without sacrificing your well-being.

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join embodied recovery Community

Recovery is not a path we can walk alone. period. And that is OKAY. The glorification of the lone wolf archetype is a lie we have been fed to keep us separate. It’s a mask we wear to avoid vulnerability and intimacy. To heal we have to move away from that and honor our human needs.

We need community to hold up a loving mirror for us. We need to feel seen, understood, held and supported. We need an informed space to do the work of continuing to heal and awaken together. We need accountability. We need inspiration. We need to frequently witness others walking this path to really trust that it is possible to live a life of recovery that can feel expansive, liberating, and even joyful. This community is here to offer you just that.


 The first time I ever attended an official all women’s ceremony was with Halie. I didn’t know exactly what to expect but was definitely not prepared for the level of awakening that was evoked inside of me. Genuinely, I don’t know how to conjure up the energy and depths of my capacity for connection on my own. Halie is so masterful at creatively and gently pulling you into the experience she fosters and it is the most refreshing and awakening experience. I attended a summer ceremony a couple of years ago with Halie and then a grief retreat that felt so safe and impactful, I’ll never forget it. I am forever convinced that when ceremony is done with competence, sincerity, and humility, it is transformative. I would recommend Halie’s ceremonies to anyone looking to reconnect or expand on their current level of connection with themselves, nature, community and all kinds of relationships in the human experience. 

Angie O.

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